# Standard library imports.
import re
class EvalRateProcessor:
def process_eval_rate(benchmark_result):
Extract and process the evaluation rate from a benchmark result.
benchmark_result: Result of the subprocess.run call.
list: The extracted evaluation rate in a list.
eval_rate = []
std_err = benchmark_result.stderr
for line in std_err.split("\n"):
if "eval rate" in line and "prompt" not in line:
match = re.search(r"eval rate:\s+(\d+\.\d+)", line)
if match:
rate = float(match.group(1))
for rate in eval_rate:
print(f"◽ Tokens/s:\t{rate}\t📈")
return eval_rate
def average_eval_rates(eval_rates):
average = (
round(sum(eval_rates) / len(eval_rates), 3)
if eval_rates
else None
if average is not None:
print(f"{'-' * 40}\nAverage eval rate: {average} 📊\n{'-' * 40}\n")
return average